May 2016 Newsletter

May 2nd through May 6th is OSHA’s National Safety Stand-Down Week to promote fall protection safety. Be sure to take some time to focus on safety at your jobsites, your workplaces and even at home during this week. Make safety a priority!

The PNW Region Forum was held in Tacoma last weekend and I had a great time learning, meeting

NAWIC members throughout the region and spending some time with the 11 other chapter members that were in attendance. There was a lot of great programming provided by the hosting chapter, which will be reported from our four delegates that attended as chapter representatives.

Riki Lovejoy, the current NAWIC National President, was discussing leadership and how a lot of leadership development occurs by happenstance. She said “when you say yes, you learn”. I was reminded that NAWIC is a great platform to develop new skills by stepping out of your comfort zone to try something new. It is also the safest, most encouraging and supportive environment to do so.

Knowing “when you say yes, you learn”, why not run for a chapter office this year? The nominating committee is currently accepting nominations for all board officer and director positions. This is a perfect opportunity to learn new skills and lead our chapter! I know I have learned a lot about our chapter, NAWIC as an organization and myself by serving on the board the last few years.

Or, if you have not had the opportunity to attend a regional or national event, nominate yourself to become a chapter delegate for the Annual Meeting and Conference (AMEC) in San Antonio, Texas this year. The regional and annual events are a great way to learn more about NAWIC and network outside of our chapter.

Even just by saying yes to attend one of our upcoming chapter meetings, you will learn something!

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” John F. Kenned

To read the entire newsletter, please click here

NAWIC Portland