February 2015 Newsletter

A Message from Lauren Holmes | President, Portland Chapter 54

Happy February! I hope everyone had a wonderful January and is enjoying this mild winter we are having. I am super excited with the progress we are making on the monthly meeting speakers. We will be sending out an update shortly laying out the remainder of the year. We still have some
openings so if you have any ideas, please let us know.

Our next meeting is a morning one! So don’t forget to start your day with us, on February 19th at 7:30am. Also, please don’t forget to sign up for the Oregon Beach Retreat February 27 – March
1 in Newport. It is always a fun, laidback event and who doesn’t love the Oregon
Coast. Salem is putting the event on and emails regarding registration and reservations
went out again today!

WIC week is coming. Please be on the lookout for more information about
various activities and events. If you have any specifi c questions, please reach out to


NAWIC Portland