The local chapters of the
American Society of Professional Estimators and the
National Association of Women in Construction
invite you to our
November Joint Event
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
5:30 to 8:00 pm
NEW Location: Tony Starlight Showroom
1125 SE Madison Street Portland, OR 97214
Cost: $35 for NAWIC and ASPE members / $40 for non-members
In today’s economy, pulling a complete bid proposal and identifying project risk is essential for success. Our Mock Bid Event, moderated by Chana Frederick, Chief Estimator at P&C Construction, will feature a real project with real sub-bids complete with chaos, a bid opening, and an award to the winning team.
In this fun, but competitive environment, find out what it really takes for a General Contractor to put together a bid. Will there be money left on the table? Will you be high? Who will be on the winning team and be awarded the project?
Attendees will have gained a true sense of what general contractors experience during typical bidding process.
5:30-6:00 pm Networking
6:00 pm Dinner/Form Teams/Instructions
6:15-7:30 pm Bid Simulation
7:30-7:45 pm Bid Results Announced, Brief Overview of Solution
7:45—8:00 pm Questions