April Chapter Meeting
Speaker: Beth Ann Fischberg
Meeting Topic: Claim Your Magnetic Presence!
Are You Ready?
- To be More Impactful and memorable, whether speaking on stage or one to one?
- To emanate a magnetic presence, without draining yourself?
- To instantly boost your self-confidence & stand fully in who you are?
Presence will help you attract and connect to your audience, get a date, a promotion or a sale.
Presence makes people more attracted to, and trusting of you. Presence will help you lead and make an impact in your family, work, or community.
Please join us for a fun and interactive workshop!
Beth Ann Fischberg is a Personal Presence Expert, International Best Selling Author, and present officer of Babble-On Toastmasters. She’s on a mission to inspire a new generation of ambitious, service oriented people claim their gifts and make an impact. She’ll show you how to ignite your presence, so you can confidently walk into any room, or speak from any stage without fear or apology. Make the impact you desire!
Learn more about Beth Ann at her website www.YourMagneticPresence.com
Cost: $35 for members, $40 for non-members, (Includes dinner and non-alcoholic beverages.)
5:30-6:00 pm Networking
6:00 pm Dinner
6:15-7:15 pm Presentation
7:00-8:00 pm Networking