WIC WEEK Sponsor: Eugene Chapter #77, NAWIC
Invites you to join us and learn what NAWIC, women in construction, can do for you.
Interested in community service, education, personal development or just networking with other women in construction, NAWIC offers this and much more. So join us at any of these events and learn more about NAWIC can offer you!
Monday, March 6th - Food for Lane County
770 Bailey Hill Rd, Eugene,
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Members Only.
*Arrive prior to 6:00 pm Contact Ellie Cooper if you plan on attending.
(541) 342-3641 elliecooper@edgecs.com
Wednesday, March 8th - Tour of the newly remodeled Eugene Airport
Members & Guests welcome.
Meet at 5:30 at the airport main entrance
Dinner& meeting to follow at
Abby’s, 1976 Echo Hollow Rd, Eugene
Friday, March 10th - Membership Night, Elkhorn Brewery
Members & Guests welcome
686 E. Broadway, Eugene
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Join us for a complimentary drink and hors d’oeuvres.
Please RSVP for all events to nawic.eugene77@gmail.com