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Industry - SMPS GROW Kick-Off Gathering

GROW: SMPS Kick-Off Gathering (A free event!)

Rock Bottom Brewery, 206 SW Morrison St., Portland, OR 97214

Let’s kick-off a great programming year with SMPS Oregon! Join the Board of Directors at Rock Bottom Brewery from 4:00pm – 6:30pm for appetizers, drinks, and networking. GROW is an opportunity to learn about involvement opportunities with SMPS; whether it be joining a committee, signing up for a roundtable, or understanding the great programming SMPS Oregon has planned for the year. Appetizers and drink tickets provided!

We will be giving away a FREE Membership / Renewal at the event!

Interested in joining a committee or becoming more involved with SMPS? Joining a committee is a great professional development opportunity and gives your firm excellent exposure. Most committees are accepting new members. Board members and current committee members will be at GROW to talk about your development with SMPS.

Not a member, and want to learn more about SMPS?  GROW is a great opportunity to learn about all facets of SMPS Oregon, including programming, resources, networking opportunities, and professional development. Grab a board member and a beverage – they can’t wait to talk to you about the benefits of joining SMPS this year.

Register today