Featuring - Nancy Young, CPA, CISA, CFE • TRIMET • Budgets and Grants Director
Tuesday August 18, 2015
University Place • 310 SW Lincoln, Portland (for directions)
***Free parking – go to the hotel lobby and say that you are with ASPE ***
Social Time – 5:30 PM • Dinner & Program – 6:15 PM
We Estimators know a lot about ethics in bidding – following the unspoken rules. But what about the other sinister side of bad behavior in our field – fraudulent practices, that we can’t easily detect? And how does it affect our ability to keep our businesses afloat?
Join us as Nancy shares real “war stories” and offers tips on how to keep from being a victim and how to prevent and detect fraudulent activity.
** This educational program qualifies for 1 CED hour for Oregon CCB license renewal
Meeting Cost: $35.00 with Reservation & Credit Card payment*
$45.00 via check at the door • Ask about Special Student Rates *Reservation Deadline: Noon, Wednesday, August. 12th
Includes Dinner – Meal is guaranteed only with reservation
For Reservations:
Questions or special circumstances: contact Curt Kolar 503-962-8840 kolarc@trimet.orgCancellations: The Fine Print: if you reserve (online or otherwise) and do not attend and have pre-paid, thank you for your donation to our Society! OR you may send someone to the event in your place. No-show reservations not pre-paid, will be invoiced $45.00 PLUS a $15.00 processing fee. For known or potential special circumstances, contact Curt Kolar immediately.